Presentation Summary
The measure of your organizational intelligence is not the ability to acquire knowledge but how you handle uncertainty and navigate through it.
In these uncertain times, it is essential to recognize that the significant disruptors in the healthcare industry include: 1) underfunded government and commercial reimbursements, 2) the migration of inpatient procedures to the outpatient setting, 3) shortages/hyperinflation in critical clinical personnel and supplies, and 4) the repercussions from the failed migration from volume to value.
Health systems must differentiate between valid results-oriented strategies that improve quality, access, and financial performance, and the latest fads. Just because something sounds "innovative" does not mean it will not be an economic disaster or disenfranchise your clinical workforce.
Kaufman's presentation will use data to paint realistic scenarios for the future (which sometimes are contrary to conventional wisdom,) profile the irrational economic incentives present in the healthcare market, and then provide real-life, practical, proven strategies for success.